The Asian Pacific American Bar Association of South Florida


Judge Scott Bernstein, 11th Judicial Circuit Judge, has requested our assistance in his efforts to address discrimination or unnecessary/unwelcomed comments experienced by Asian Americans in courtrooms in South Florida.  We are asking that our members provided, on an anonymous basis, anecdotes and experiences of Asian American attorneys or clients who have experienced scenarios where they were treated differently because of their race, national origin or other related factors.  This can include extreme instances of racial discrimination or violent acts to other less extreme incidences, such as making inappropriate jokes.  This survey will be used to identify issues relating to diversity and the courts.

The stories you provide will be compiled into a summary format and provided to Judge Bernstein.  Your name will not be provided to Judge Bernstein.  It is optional to include your name when completing the form below.  Please refrain from using the name of judges or other individuals involved in your experience.  Your participation is extremely importantly in order to education people and to improve our judicial system.

Thank you for taking time to respond to this survey!